
07.11.2022 16:32

Sandy Landry

My email address in Please write to me if you want to discuss something from the book

16.01.2021 10:35

cheryl hull

Hi Sandy
I would love help on knowing my redemptive gifts. thank you so much for this site.

21.09.2020 00:47

Lorraine Lattanzi

I'd love to know my redemptive gift

21.01.2021 20:41

Sandra Landry

Write me.

28.07.2020 02:25

Teresa Roberts II


08.06.2020 22:01

Don Hank

Thank you so much Sandy for this great site!

20.01.2020 12:20

Monroe Hegmann


09.11.2019 00:42

Ron Netsu


04.09.2019 19:45

Benjamin Richau

What do I do with all that God is showing me.

31.03.2019 20:39


Dear Sandy, finally started your book "ALIVE with passion purpose" yesterday and am intruiged by your writing style. What a blessing of pinpoiting words, well thought storys interesting adventures.

05.11.2018 12:58


I am trying to discover mt redemtive gifts

07.09.2018 14:16

Coni Stricherz

I'm looking for some insight in determining my Redemptive Gift.

06.09.2018 03:26

Nancy Cox

Enjoyed article on Prophet.

21.08.2018 02:14

Candace Espinosa

Learning more about myself throughout my healing journey! Looking forward to following your website.

28.06.2018 22:40

Miracle WhiteHorse

I am starting this. Hope to learn what my RG is. Thanks for doing this!

16.06.2018 18:14

Dietrich Podehl

Hi Sandy Landry, would like to foolow your Website, of thats oki...

14.02.2018 17:29

Ria Swanepoel

This is so awesome.....the description is so spot, wow, wow. Good work of putting it together so well. Thx.

22.01.2018 15:11

Brian Kisner

Sandra : I am Brian Kisner from Legacy Scool of Supernatural Ministry in Tampa Fl. Interested in possibly engaging you for future class. Rbkisner@

05.01.2018 04:47

Jane Tennant

I love this website and what you’ve done here. Winnie the Pooh is my all time favorite too!!

08.06.2017 19:38

Sandy Landry

I bought it from the website Fotolio

08.06.2017 11:38

Anne Mitchell

Hi Sandy, where did you get the Tree Of Life print? I would really like to get one. Thank you for taking the time to put this site together, so blessed to have read it :)

13.11.2016 15:45

Sandy Landry

I added a question and answer page for you at the end, Pastor Skihumbuzo.

13.11.2016 22:33

Pastor Sikhumbuzo

Great you are a stardom sandy thanks a lot..reading question and answer session from this week.

Much love and appreciation

13.11.2016 05:34

Pastor Sikhumbuzo

Thank you so much Sandy...I want to know how redemptive gifts and spiritual gifts meet or overlap?

13.10.2016 11:33

Pastor Sikhumbuzo Moyo

My question was: Where do spiritual gifts and Redemptive gifts converge or meet? How do we flow with both simultaneously?

11.11.2016 14:59

Sandy Landry

Redemptive Gifts are given by the Father to each of us when we are born. Spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to believers . I Cor. 12 and Romans 12.

12.10.2016 09:14

Pastor Sikhumbuzo Moyo

Sandy thank you for the superb work ,you are doing on explaining and helping us to understand and walk in our redemptive gifts. wondering how and where are the spiritual gifts connect or converge?

12.10.2016 17:17

sandy landry

I added a page that hopefully makes what you ask clearer. Thank you for your kind words.

07.10.2016 18:52

Nathan Noble

Sandy, I'm in the process of writing a redemptive gift web app...but I'd love to use some of the content here to help with the questions...are you interested in connecting about that?

14.08.2016 00:17

Kathy Lapp

Hi Sandy, I'm really finding your website very useful! ...Just wondering, have you ever made a list of distinctions between male and female versions of the gifts? Kathy

06.09.2016 17:20

Sandy landry

No, but that's a great idea.

28.07.2016 06:10


Did God assign Redemptive gifts to continents? Probably, since there are 7 (N America, SAmerica, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica). Australia=Mercy, NAm=Prophet, Africa = Servant?

21.07.2016 03:57

Lisa Parke

Hi Sandy,

I'm looking for some in depth help

14.05.2016 15:25

Susan Funkhouser

I would like more info

21.07.2016 04:16

sandy landry

email me at


19.11.2015 05:24

Arthur Burk

Someone wrote me today asking me if this website is legitimate.

For the record, Sandy Landry is a close personal, highly trusted friend of mine who has been walking with us for many years.

25.11.2015 18:11

Pam Dolan

Thank you Arthur & Sandy! Sandy's work is very informative and exponentially more detailed than my own notes I wrote from listening to the audio. It has helped immensely!

15.11.2015 05:46

Jane Tennant

Happily anticipating going through your site Sandy. You have taught me so much so far. It's beautiful

15.11.2015 03:10


Looking forward to reading

15.11.2015 01:50


Awesome site! Love your page, thanks for all the content you put in it.

25.08.2015 16:58

Patti Ramsey

Can't wait to read all of these. From what I read, it looks amazing!!!

06.06.2015 22:06

Jacki Ascough

Hi! Love your page! xx